SEE YA, 2019! We’re ready for the next decade. We can see it clearly…2020 is coming!
Rochester MN Moms Blog would like to thank you you, our community of readers, for your continuous support, encouragement, and loyalty.
We understand that you have a choice in the content you choose to read and consume online. We don’t take lightly that you have put your trust in us and choose to read what we make available online. From the bottom of our hearts…Thank You. ?
We’d love to pause and reflect on our top posts of 2019. Below you will find links to all 20 of our top read posts in 2019. Was there a particular post that resonated with you this year (on this list or not)? If so, we’d love to hear about it in the survey below! Also, here’s YOUR chance to share what you’d love to see from us in 2020!
At the end of 2018, we made it clear that we would be focusing on more resources for you, and in 2019 we did just that. We now have over 125 resources on our site. These are meant to help you quickly find information about certain topics pertaining to parenting in Rochester, MN. In 2020, you can look forward to a new way to navigate this content making it easier to find the information you need faster.
Did you know we provide monthly event round-ups of things to do in the Rochester, MN area as well as complete seasonal guides? If there is a resource you’d like to see on Rochester MN Moms Blog, please do let us know!
Thank you for following along with us and all of your support (we invite you to submit a guest post if you are interested!) and thank you to our sponsors for supporting Rochester MN Moms Blog. We look forward to building our community with YOU this year and if we are really lucky, we look forward to meeting you at some of our 2020 events – we have lots of fun planned for the upcoming year!
It is a tremendous honor to live life with all of you in our lovely city of Rochester, MN Thank you for allowing us to serve you and thank you for trusting us. We’ve got so much in store for 2020…we hope you’ll follow along with us!
#20 - When Your Heart’s Not In It
“The reality is, I’m not a robot. I cannot function at 110% every day or even half of every day. And maybe that’s ok. Maybe sometimes, showing up is enough.” Read More…
#19 - Grief: When You Wake Up and Just Can't. . .
“I never realized what a gift that forward trajectory was, until my dad passed away and I had this tricky bedfellow called grief to contend with every day.” Read More…
#18 - Alexandria Chain of Lakes: Best Places to Eat
“Sometimes our food memories are made eating out and my family has it’s favorite spots when staying at our cabin on Lake Carlos, located on the Alexandria Chain of Lakes.” Read More…
#17 - Rochester MN Guide to Thrifting
“Kids are hard on a whole lot more than just clothes. This is just one reason I love thrifting for anything and everything.” Read More…
#16 - Five Ways Instagram Has Made Me a Better Mom
“Instagram has made me a better mother because I’m not alone. We are all in this together. I’m here for you, always, just as many have been there for me.” Read More…
#15 - Keeping Mama Sane: Indoor Play Ideas for Cold MN Days
“As the weather turns colder, this mama of 3 has to get creative to keep those little ones busy without overusing screen time.” Read More…
#14 - My "Fresh Out of the Womb" Pictures Aren't Pretty and I'm Okay With It
“With each imperfect picture I am reminded of the lengths a mother will go through for her baby. So whether you think your “fresh out of the womb” pictures are pretty or not, they are special because they tell YOUR story.” Read More…
#13 - One Simple Way to Fight the Winter Blues
“Rather than give you tons of ideas for beating the winter blues, I’m going to just share ONE simple thing that has made a difference to me this year.” Read More…
#12 - 5 Ways To Straighten Your Girlfriend's Crown During Her Divorce
“Finding the right ways to be supportive during this time can be challenging even when you are well-intentioned. Here are five ways you can love your friend during a divorce.” Read More…
#11 - The Teal Pumpkin Project: A Happier Halloween For All
“As I admire how people strategically place their straw bales, corn stalks, spooky Halloween decor, and pumpkins on their porch, I also look to see how many houses place teal pumpkins out front.” Read More…
#10 - Our Story of a "Lip-Tied" and "Tongue-Tied” Infant
“I noticed something was different about Monroe’s feeding our first few days at home. His latch didn’t seem as deep or his suction as strong as my other boys’. He would also slip off my breast quite often during feedings. He just couldn’t get a proper seal with his lips. So much so, that I could hear him swallowing air. He had other issues too.” Read More…
#9 - Not Just In Our Head: Hyperemesis Gravidarum Awareness
“Alicia met and married Adam right after high school and they started a family. Her husband was deployed in the army at the time, and if that wasn’t hard enough, she soon discovered she was dealing with one of the worst pregnancy diagnoses ever: Hyperemesis Gravidarum (or HG). ” Read More…
#8 - Bored With Breakfast? My Top Five Rochester MN Places to Try!
“On the weekends, breakfast is most certainly, the most important meal of the day. Going out for a feast of amazing eggs, buttery white toast, and mimosas are one of my favorite things we do as a family.” Read More…
#7 - What a Baby in a Brewery Has Taught Me
“A funny thing happened, we kept on living life very similar to the one we had before baby. We took Fritz out to dinner dates with us, he came on trips, and he visits a brewery pretty much every weekend.” Read More…
#6 - Paper Clips and Bottom Wiping: Life Skills You May Not Realize You Need To Teach Your Child
“I have met and taught hundreds of elementary age students and parented two of them. I’ve had a few entertaining encounters as I came to a realization about a life skill I needed to explicitly teach my students (or offspring).” Read More…
#5 - A One-Day Itinerary to Show Off Rochester
“So here is my general itinerary for when my dearest friends come to Rochester for a one-day visit. Let it be known that I use this jam-packed itinerary to leave them overwhelmed and hungry for more, eventually resulting in their permanent stay in Rochester near me.” Read More…
#4 - Rochester MN Guide to Things to Do With Kids Under Two
“Here is a comprehensive list of appropriate things to do and places to see for those little minds, and very busy bodies, in and near Rochester, Minnesota. ” Read More…
#3 - Breaking the Cycle: My Story of Growing Up With an Addicted Parent
“Here is my story of growing up with an addicted parent, and how I am choosing to break the cycle of addiction.” Read More…
#2 - I'm Always Cleaning and It Makes Me Jealous
“It ultimately hit me last night, and I crumbled in anger. The tears came later, but at that moment, filled with such rage that there was no place for the sadness to bubble up inside of me. There had been a nagging feeling the last few days, the kind that nibbles at your shoulder blades and gives you a soft ache in the bottom of your soul — an uncomfortable feeling when emotions manifest physically. I had not been able to put my finger on it, but I knew I was nearing my breaking point.” Read More…
#1 - No Thanks, I Don’t Drink
“Life isn’t black and white, and neither is one’s relationship with alcohol. There’s a grey area, and that’s where I’m at.” Read More…