Molly has lived in Rochester for eight years. She resides blissfully with her husband Adam, one-year-old Fritz and pup Henry. Molly works for a digital agency managing a large media partnership. At work, she is Type A, but when it comes to momming she lets the five-second rule go out the window.
Though not a long-tenured mom, Fritz has shown Molly that she was always meant to be a mama. She has cultivated a passion for all things mom and baby and loves trying out new baby products and lines. She also loves connecting with other mom's - especially those with little ones around Fritz's age.
When not working or folding tiny human clothes, Molly loves reading, shopping, Sauvignon Blanc and hanging with her gals.
I've been told that kids do not get easier, things just change as they get older and going from dropping of an infant to a toddler every morning has proven...
I am jealous that my husband isn't bothered by the things I deem essential like clean counters, crumb-free floors, and toys put away that aren't in use....
On the weekends, breakfast is most certainly, the most important meal of the day. Going out for a feast of amazing eggs, buttery white toast, and mimosas are one of...
Instagram has made me a better mother because I'm not alone. We are all in this together. I'm here for you, always, just as many have been there for me....