Rochester Local

To My Girl: Tonight, I Rocked You

I’m not a poet.  I haven’t written a poem since my 4th grade Haikus.  However, right before my son was born this past December, I had the sweetest and most lovely moment with my first baby.  As I sat and rocked her, the words tumbled around in my mind and I knew I had to write them down.  I didn’t know if the world would ever see this, but on her second birthday –today– it felt right. Thanks for allowing me to share my heart with you.  Happy Birthday, Sweet Girl.

Photo Credit Kelli Walvatne


**Tonight, I Rocked You**

Tonight I Rocked You

Your daddy took you to bed but I found I was missing you.

Your baby brother was kicking inside me; and then he had the hiccups.

I thought of how our lives would change in a few short days.


And so,

Tonight I rocked you.


I crept up the stairs and slipped into your room long after you had fallen asleep and I scooped you up.

Your curly tangled hair was swept across your forehead and you brushed it away and breathed a big sigh.

I sat down in the chair and


Tonight I rocked you.


Your arm was draped around my neck and your head on my shoulder, deep breaths in and out.

You smelled divine: sudsy, milky and sweet.

I rocked you because of the unknown: fearful and excited about what is to come with our growing family. Knowing my love will grow but wondering how.


Tonight I rocked you.


Because it is the Eve of Christmas Eve and the thought of a mother and child is reverent and holy.

I rocked you not because you were my baby, but because you are my baby.  And will be my baby.  You made me a mother.

Tonight I rocked you while the snow fell because I was reminded of your sweet face turning upward as you watched it floating through the sky.  Taking it all in: new and bright and good.


So. Tonight I rocked you.

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