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My Husband Is The Clean One

My husband is pretty amazing. He is an awesome dad who gets up in the middle of the night with our daughters, is 100% willing to change diapers, and genuinely loves playing with our girls. As a husband he is very supportive. He lets me take baths in the evening, gives me foot rubs, and often puts my needs before his own. There is just one thing; he is kind of a neat freak (I say that in the kindest way possible).

My Husband Is the Clean One | Rochester MN Moms Blog

He loves for things to be clean and organized. And I, well, don’t share the same love for cleaning. I’m not a total mess, but my affinity for cleaning pales in comparison to his. And sometimes, when I am with other wives, I feel like I am the only one whose husband outshines them in the cleanliness department. While all the other women are complaining about picking up after their husbands, I feel like I have nothing to add to the conversation. It can be stressful keeping up with his cleanliness expectations, but there are some perks. Here they are:

  1. I never have to do his laundry. After trying to do his laundry a few times in the beginning of our marriage, I realized that there is a particular way he likes to fold his clothes. I didn’t want to learn how to fold “his” way, and he is very happy to clean his own clothes. This works well in our marriage.
  2. He is always willing to clean up dinner. Since he likes to load the dishwasher a certain way, he is happy to do all the dishes after supper.
  3. When we have guests coming over, he is just as much concerned about cleaning for them as I am. I really like the house to be clean when I have company, so I am happy he is willing to help out until everything on our list is accomplished.
  4. He enjoys deep cleaning. I think one of his favorite activities is cleaning the stove.
  5. I never find his clothes laying on the floor. Actually at our house it’s my clothes that are sometimes laying on the floor.

We have both made adjustments since being married. I have become more concerned with cleaning up after myself and the girls. My husband has learned to relax about some messes. Even though we are opposites in this area we have learned to love and accept our differences. We provide a nice balance to one another, and I am so happy that I ended up with my super clean and loving husband!


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