Rochester Local is written by locals with a passion for locals and visitors alike to discover all the Rochester MN area has to offer. We strive to connect local businesses, communities, and people by sharing personal experiences, fun ideas and useful information to make meaningful connections both on and offline.
Join us for at Bleu Duck Kitchen for our third event in our Moms Who Lunch series in partnership with Downtown, Rochester MN and Rochester MN Moms Blog!...
Storytelling is like magic and I find it very challenging to create something from nothing. I suppose I fall more in line with my mother’s method of grabbing the nearest...
Our Consultant Run Business Guide represents hard-working women in our community. We are thrilled to be able to support them in their efforts and connect you with them....
By understanding love language, from the book The Five Love Languages of Children, we can more easily determine the emotional needs of our children....
Thank you to our sponsor, EPIC Endeavors Academy, for this post about STEM-related education. As a young child, I was always exploring outside. I loved being in nature, watching the...
**Our first lunch is already at capacity! Please check below for future Moms Who Lunch dates!** Rochester MN Moms Blog in partnership with the Rochester Downtown Alliance is pleased...