Rochester Local

Motherhood Is…Finding Things in Strange Places

Motherhood is surprising in many ways. From the unexpected changes of pregnancy, to the roller coaster of childbirth, perhaps nothing really prepares you for parenting…mostly because motherhood seems to be about finding things in strange and unusual places.

Like that time I opened the pantry door to get a box of spaghetti only to find a lego army staring back at me. Little plastic men strategically placed and silently waiting for their human prey. Or, when my brother’s dog found an old, hard, crusty flour tortilla under the couch after I commented that the dog wouldn’t be able to find any crumbs because I “keep a clean, tight ship.”

It’s finding jelly beans stuck in small noses. Really stuck. Like, let’s go to the ER stuck.

Motherhood is finding words you swore you would never say to your kids come out of your mouth like lava from a volcano. It’s also somehow finding a song to sing to your baby in the middle of the night when you’re so tired you’re not sure you can remember your own name.

How about when you find your toothbrush in the toilet? Well, that’s motherhood at its finest. Then, you find yourself hoping whoever did it scrubbed the toilet with it before they threw it in. It’s finding the diaper cream, not in the diaper bag, but covering your toddler’s face, neck, arms, and his dad’s favorite recliner.

Motherhood is finding your heart, not in your chest, but in little eyes gazing back at you in those first tentative hours of life. And, years later, it’s finding the cat actually seems to enjoy the sort of “love” the toddler gives him.

Ever step on a Lego? That’s part of this deal, too – stepping on Legos under your foot in a dark hallway. Each sharp corner digging deep into the flesh of your bare feet. For anyone considering parenthood, I recommend doing this in order to a) prepare yourself, or b) convince your partner it’s best to get a Christmas cactus instead having kids.  Motherhood is finding Legos in the dishwasher filter. It’s finding legos jammed behind the keys on the piano. It’s finding Legos anywhere but in the containers that you purchased specifically to store the Legos.

But, it’s also about finding your strength in those moments that threaten to overwhelm. When enough is enough, but you’ve still got a long way to go.

Motherhood is pulling the laundry out of the dryer to find that every.single.piece.of.clothing is turned inside out. Why? WHY can’t anyone figure out how to take their clothes off without turning them inside out?

It’s finding courage in the midst of difficult decisions. Decisions that will prove unpopular with the little ones. Then, it’s finding yourself wanting wisdom like you’ve never wanted anything before.

It’s about finding your toddler on top of the fridge. How did you get up there? And, rocks. You find rocks everywhere. Big rocks. Little rocks. Shiny rocks. Sharp rocks. What’s with the rocks?

Ever noticed how fast time goes by? Well, motherhood is finding moments have quickly turned into memories.  Motherhood is finding yourself utterly exhausted and all you did was get through the day. Then, it’s finding grace for bad attitudes and bad choices. And, realizing your bad attitude matches everyone else’s.

After years of making all the calls, motherhood is finding yourself on the sidelines as your child makes choices.  And, mistakes. Motherhood is finding you’d never want your life any other way even though its the hardest thing you’ve ever done. I wrote this list in the general order that things appeared. I wanted to see what things came to my mind and if I’d find a pattern. As I review this list I’m surprised that mothering seems mostly about the management of legos. Thanks, kids, for making me a mom!


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