Rochester Local

Encouraging Positive Behavior with Kudo Banz

This post is sponsored by Kudo Banz.  The opinions are the author’s own.

kudobanz, positive affirmation, rewards, parenting, sticker chart

With 4 kids in the house, I am always looking for a way to positively reinforce both good behavior and cheerful chore attitudes. I was so happy to discover Kudo Banz and have such a fun and interactive way to reward my 5-year-old twins for being good citizens of our home!

Kudo Banz is a “sticker chart for your child’s arm.” Like many parents I have used sticker charts to help my children track good behaviors and reward them for sustaining those behaviors. With Kudo Banz that chart – and all the positive messages – are front and center for your child because it’s worn on your child’s wrist!

Things I Loved

Starter Kit 

The Starter Kit comes with everything you need for 1-2 children including a storybook that gets their imaginations going while explaining how Kudo Banz work. There are also some really fun Kudo Collections you can add. My boy-girl twins both loved the Safari and Superhero Collections.

The App

The app is well designed, easy to use and fully customizable. You can upload a photo of your child and set up the reward spinner exactly as you want it. The parent area is locked so that your child can’t accidentally change any settings! (They have seriously thought of everything.)

Quality Time Based Rewards

Instead of only giving your child prizes, Kudo Banz encourages rewards that are based off of spending quality time together. For instance, reading together, extra time playing outside, playing a game together and staying up late. You can add any reward you want to the options through the “Create Reward” feature.


Enabling notifications will result in your own encouragement and reminders! Notifications are not frequent, but are a nice occasional reminder of positive parenting goals.

Visual Reminder 

Kudo Banz are leaps and bounds above a normal sticker chart in fun for your child. One of my favorite benefits is that the Banz is a consistent visual reminder for my twins of the good work they are doing. They often get asked questions about the Banz and it is such a great opportunity for them to talk about the good choices they have made to earn their Kudos. I found it helpful to enlist grandma, teachers and other caregivers in the conversation by telling them about the Kudo Banz. Those people were able to add positive reinforcement to my children when they noticed the Kudos being earned.


Stay Positive

Kudos are never to be taken back from a child. Once they have been earned, they are there to stay! This is a very important element of Kudo Banz being an overall positive experience for your child.

Order the Extra Banz!

We had a Banz misplaced in the house for a couple of days and while I could still give my son the Kudos, it wasn’t quite as fun until it was rediscovered. In addition to the starter pack, I would consider ordering the Extra Banz. Not only will you have a backup Banz in case of one being misplaced there are extra fun colors for your child to choose.

Kudo Banz is well designed and the app functions seamlessly. I appreciate being able to add something so fun to my positive parenting repertoire!

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